Hi! I’m not a travel blogger. Or a website designer. I just go on a lot of trips and am constantly asked for my itineraries, so as opposed to continuing to circulate my chain letter recommendation emails, I thought I’d consolidate them in one place (which after trying to teach myself how to build this site, might have been a mistake haha). Hopefully others can benefit from the work I (and my travel companions) have put into researching and planning. If not, it’s a spot for me to house my memories and live vicariously through myself.

A note: the way I like to travel is very high/low. You are just as likely to find me sipping champagne on a swanky rooftop as you are eating a homemade pb sandwich in a park. For that reason, my plans include a little something for everyone. Or no one? Idk

Another note:  I don't love museums (whoops) I am not anti-touristing - I love being a tourist. I just find that I like to be more entrenched in a city than tucked away in a museum for a half a day. I like to try to hit the main bucket list spots mixed in with lots of local stuff, but I unabashedly skip certain "must dos" if they don't appeal to me. So if you think there's something glaring missing in any of the trip breakdowns, there probably is (see also: I am not a travel blogger).

And a final note: my sister Tracey is my #1 sidekick on many of these adventures. Any photography on this site that looks legit was probably taken and/or edited by her.
