midwest is best

I'm weirdly obsessed with Milwaukee. It's an easy weekend trip from Chicago and it's got a lot of great character while still feeling so authentically 'murica. Plus I love beer + cheese + sausage and WI has that pretty well hooked up. 

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I've done just about every kind of trip you can here - for work, as a couple, with the fam, with the girls or by myself to visit a friend who lives there. Without a doubt the best MKE trip ever was for Lauren's bachelorette party. When I told some people I was throwing a bach in Milwaukee, many didn't do a great job of hiding their skepticism. Whatever, haters! We took a stretch Hummer (my official preferred method of travel now) and over the course of a day got into a ridiculous amount of fun and a little trouble #noregrets

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Regardless of who I'm with or what time of year I go, I always visit the Third Ward area and make a stop at the Public Market. Besides that, there is an ENDLESS selection of breweries to spend the day/night hopping to - this list breaks down the new ones. For me (and everyone else, this is a not a secret), Lakefront is always the #1 go-to. I'm excited to check out the new Pabst location next time I go (for the gram, not to get a PBR hangover, those days are over)

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PS: did you know that MKE has the most bars per capita of any city in the U.S.? #themoreyouknow



Mars Cheese Castle
Stop at this cheese mecca on the drive from Chicago for some car cheese curds  and on the way home for New Glarus before you hit the IL border.

The Brat Stop
Another stop on the drive from Chicago - this stop is great for a quick bite and a slice of Americana. Fried cheese curds > anything else in life

Milwaukee Art Museum
This museum is surprisingly legit and right on the water! The exterior architecture is awesome too. 

Lakefront Brewery
I'm at the point in my life where done one brewery tour, done em all, but when in MKE and you feel so compelled, this is the tour to book. The guides are funny and it's a great deal for the $$$ or skip the tour and hang in the beer hall or (in the non-winter months) on the riverfront. 

The Wicked Hop
This third ward spot is a go-to for solid bar food, but the standout is the bloody mary with REAL string cheese. Benelux across the street is another good bet for brunch. 

Milwaukee Public Market
Oddly this resembles the Pike Place Market in Seattle on the outside - inside I usually grab some crazy cheeses and sausages and knock back a few oysters.

Bryant's Cocktail Lounge
If you want to get in a proverbial time machine and have skilled bartenders make you a drink based on your preferred flavor profile versus off of a menu, then this place is your jam. 

This place is weird in the best way. It's a tiki bar in the middle of nowhere. Need I say more?

Next time I go I really want to check out DanDan in the Third Ward - seems like a nice break from my all cheese/sausage Milwaukee diet.

iphone's finest