I recreated the best cocktail I've ever had from Ubud, Bali

You know when you eat or drink something once that is so incredible that you can’t stop thinking about it ever again for the rest of your life? We’ll that happened to me with a life-changingly amazing cocktail from PICA, a South American restaurant in Ubud, Bali.

I was thinking about it the other day, and given that I am currently in COVID quarantine and have all the time in the world to travel via my kitchen, I attempted to remember the recipe. Given all the times this drink has entered my psyche, I shouldn’t have been shocked that I nailed it on the first go with just a tiny bit of finessing - this drink is basically part of my soul now. Make it part of yours too:

  • 2 oz tequila

  • 1 oz fresh lime

  • .5 oz cucumber juice (I blended a hunk of cuc with a little water then strained through a paper towel)

  • .75 oz simple syrup

  • shake and serve over ice

  • spring of mint garnish

  • never be the same


how amazing does this look???

how amazing does this look???